FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
SUV Rollover FAQs
Car accidents are traumatic. Even more so when someone you love dies as a result. So many questions must be answered immediately in the midst of shock and grief.
If someone is killed and the at-fault driver is deemed to have been driving in a negligent manner, its is viewed as wrongful death by law. While wrongful death is not criminal, a claim for damages against the at-fault party and their insurance provider can be pursued.
Losing a family member in an automobile accident is an extremely tragic event and costs of arrangements following can be an unwelcome distraction. It is important to know that assistance is available.
If your family member was insured, $10,000 of funeral benefits may be available through their own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. Benefits also may be available if they were uninsured but the accident was caused by an insured driver.
My team and I know how difficult these times can be and want to make ourselves available in whatever capacity suits your needs. Please feel free to reach out to us about any questions or concerns you may have. My team and I will always make ourselves available to help in whatever way we can. At no cost at all, let us investigate what options are available and let us help you find someone who can make arrangements regardless of your financial situation. Call 1-800-257-1822 now, ask for Dan Newlin and I will happily speak with you directly.
Dan Newlin is a former sheriff’s deputy, and during that time saw several fatal auto accidents from the perspective of a rescue worker. These experiences had a profound impact on his decision to become an attorney. He wanted to be involved in helping families find the levels of recourse available to them. Helping the many families who have lost loved ones at the hands of negligent drivers is a humbling honor. While we are well aware that our work will not bring back a loved one, we want to ensure that our hard work will allow closure and adequate compensation to cover mounting expenses.
Call Dan Newlin Injury Attorneys today at 1-800-257-1822 and allow us the honor of serving you and your family in your time of need.