FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
SUV Rollover FAQs
Personal Injury Protection, or PIP, is a mandatory coverage under Florida state law. Each driver is required to carry a minimum of $10,000 in coverage. People are largely in the dark when it comes to PIP and oftentimes it is to the benefit of the automobile insurance agencies. Auto insurance agencies intentionally provide minimal information regarding PIP because the harder they make it for a driver to understand, the less likely their customers will try and use it to cover injuries following an accident.
Personal Injury Protection is governed by Florida Statute 627.736(1). Under the PIP Statute, an insurance company is obligated to provide their customer with a minimum of coverage should they be involved in an automobile accident.
Following an automobile accident, every person involved should report the accident to their own insurance company in order to recoup PIP benefits. In the event that you or someone you know has been in an accident and is not insured, they may still be able to receive PIP benefits.
If you are not covered by an automobile insurance policy you may be able to qualify for PIP if you reside with a relative who has insured vehicles or if you were in an accident while in an insured vehicle.
Whether you have PIP coverage or not, make sure and get medical attention if you need it and don’t let it stop you from pursuing a claim against another driver. Call today to see if you are covered by PIP. Call Dan Newlin Injury Attorneys at 800-257-1822.
Failing to file for PIP benefits could result in significant hospital bills that could severely hinder your lifestyle. Call Newlin Injury attorneys today and let us work on your behalf!