FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
SUV Rollover FAQs
Automobile insurance companies do an incredibly good job of keeping their customers in the dark when it comes to the products they are selling. People take out auto insurance because it is a requirement in almost every state within the United States. It is a difficult process to sift through different auto insurance policies to find the one that is right for you. This leads consumers to choose insurance policies that they do not fully understand.
One of the commonly misunderstood parts of auto insurance in Florida is the No-Fault Law. This law states that the victim of an automobile accident can only bring a claim against the at-fault driver if the sustained injury or injuries are permanent. While this is not ideal for automobile drivers, the benefit is that insurance companies in Florida are required to provide a certain level of coverage for the insured driver regardless of who caused the accident. This mandatory coverage provided by insurance companies is known as Personal Injury Protection or PIP.
Call Dan Newlin Injury Attorneys at 800-257-1822. We are here to assist you in anyway necessary. Whether it is a simple question you may have about the No-Fault Law or an inquiry about an accident you have been involved in. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly staff and see how helpful we are.