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Negligent Security Law FAQs
Florida law requires the owner or operator of any Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to provide adequate lighting for the safety of its users. Florida Statute §655.962 stipulates a minimum lighting of 10 candlefoot power at the face of the automated teller machine and extending in an unobstructed direction outward 5 feet, and at least 2 candlefoot power within 50 feet in all unobstructed directions from the face of the automated teller machine. If the automated teller machine is located within 10 feet of the corner of the building and the automated teller machine is generally accessible from the adjacent side, there shall be a minimum of 2 candlefoot power along the first 40 unobstructed feet of the adjacent side of the building. Recently, Attorney Dan Newlin won, at trial, a verdict of $24 million for the family of a victim who was killed while using an improperly lit ATM. The family’s recovery was, in part, due to the negligence of the ATM owner and the owner’s violation of this very Florida statute.
If you or a loved one have been injured while using or after using an ATM, and believe that your injury could have been prevented by the property owner implementing better security measures, you need an attorney that has experience in dealing with negligent security claims by your side to make sure you receive all the benefits and compensation you are entitled to as a result of your injury. You need experienced and aggressive attorneys like Dan Newlin Injury Attorneys to help you get everything to which you may be entitled. Call us at 800-257-1822 for a free consultation and to have all your questions answered regarding your injury.