FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
DUI Accident FAQs
Florida drivers are required to be insured for at least $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection or PIP. This coverage covers 80% of all the medical bills related to injuries sustained in an accident. What most drivers do not know is that they may be responsible for paying the other 20% of their medical bills.
Medpay is an elective provision that some auto insurance companies provide their customers. If you have Medpay or Medical Payment Coverage, your insurance company may be responsible for paying the 20% of medical bills not covered by your Personal Injury Protection coverage. The amount of Medpay coverage following an accident is dependent on how much Medpay a customer is paying for. If a driver is carrying the mandatory minimum in PIP which is $10,000 and another $5,000 in medpay, the driver will be covered for up to $15,000.
It is advised that you thoroughly read your auto insurance policy to see if you have elected to choose Medpay from them. Medpay comes in two different categories, primary coverage and secondary coverage, with the latter working in conjunction with pre-existing health insurance. If you’re unsure if you have Medpay you should contact your auto insurance company immediately for peace of mind.
Call Dan Newlin Injury Attorneys at 800-257-1822. It is important to know exactly what the oftentimes complex language in our insurance policies actually mean. Insurance companies do their best to keep consumers in the dark so that they are responsible for paying as little money as possible. Our experienced staff is here to guide you through your policy and help you to find the policy that fits you best. If your insurance policy contains Medpay it could affect the outcome of your case. Call today for a free consultation.