FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
Auto Accident FAQs
Losing a family member in an auto accident is often swift and always tragic. It’s not a death you have time to prepare for, and often turns a family’s life upside down — leaving them with no idea of what to do first.
Auto Accident Deaths
There are many things to deal with when someone dies in an auto accident. What happens to the remains of the family member? What happens to the remains of the vehicle? Who is responsible for funeral arrangements and costs? How do you manage auto insurance and life insurance claims? Who do you call first? Unfortunately, many of these questions have to be answered within hours or days after the accident while you are still in shock over your loss.
Auto Insurance Coverage
If your loved one was an insured driver, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage should provide funeral benefits of up to $10,000. If your loved one wasn’t insured but was killed by an insured driver, the other driver’s benefits should be available.
Wrongful Death Claims
A wrongful death claim can be filed if it’s determined that the death was the result of automobile negligence. Although wrongful death isn’t a criminal offense, it does allow for the filing of a claim for damages against the responsible party and their insurance company. Click here for more information about wrongful death.
Auto Accident Attorney
Dan Newlin, a former Sheriff’s Deputy, has seen countless fatal auto accidents and the tragedy that follows. Mr. Newlin often wondered what happened to those family members and what recourse they had. Those experiences had a profound impact on his decision to become an attorney.
Dan Newlin and his team work tirelessly to help grieving families answer the immediate questions and file their claims. Let us do the work of making those responsible liable for their actions so you can grieve and begin to heal. It would be our honor to serve you and your family in this time of need.
If someone you love has been killed in an auto accident, call Dan Newlin Injury Attorneys at 800-257-1822.