FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
FAQ's: Your Questions Answered
DUI Accident FAQs
Many times an auto accident only involves one traditional vehicle and some other form of transportation such as a scooter, motorized cart, bicycle, or even a skateboard. What many people don’t realize is that often times their auto insurance protects them in situations when they are injured in an accident nowhere near their own vehicle. If you have been struck by a vehicle while riding a bicycle, here are a few things you should know:
Your personal auto insurance will afford you some protection. Even though you on a bicycle and nowhere near your vehicle, being struck by another vehicle is still considered an “auto accident”. Therefore, you will be afforded payable benefits from your own insurance company through your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. This coverage will provide for 80% of your medical bills up to $10,000, as well as pa portions of lost wages and mileage reimbursement to and from doctor’s offices.
What if I don’t have auto insurance or PIP? Accidents involving a vehicle striking a car constitute one of the rare exceptions where an injured person may be entitled to the at-fault driver’s PIP coverage. This means that if you are uninsured and do not reside will a blood relative who owns an insured vehicle, you will be afforded PIP benefits from the at-fault driver’s insurance.
If the vehicle that hits me is uninsured, will I still be able to bring a Uninsured Motorist Claim? YES. An accident between a vehicle and a bicycle is considered to be an “auto accident” for insurance purposes. To that end, if you carry Uninsured Motorist Coverage on your policy, you may pursue a claim for damages against it.
What about my bicycle, will it be repaired? Your bicycle is considered property as much as it would be if it were your vehicle. If the at-fault driver carries insurance, and it is determined that the accident was his fault, the insurance company will compensate you for repair or replacement of the bicycle.
What should I do if I get involved in an accident while riding my bicycle? Call Dan Newlin Injury Attorneys at 800-257-1822: Accidents involving bicycles struck by vehicles can be more complicated than they appear on the surface. Although the person driving the vehicle clearly has an advantage as far as protection for injury is concerned, law enforcement officers often cite bicycle riders as the cause of the accident. My team and I know how valuable time and efficiency is in these matters. That is why within hours of receiving your call, we are already conducting an extensive investigation as to how the accident occurred and the extent of the damage. Remember, unless we recover you money for your injuries, our investigative services are free of charge. Please contact me or one of my team members today for a free consultation concerning your bicycle accident. Help is truly only a phone call away.